This is a very long line of plain text which should hopefully be long enough to wrap in most browsers if I ramble on long enough. I'm going to go up to about three hundred characters on the one line and see if that is long enough to wrap this onto a second line. Ah, three hundred characters even.

I separated this second line with a paragraph break. On this second line, I am going to include a long link partway through. This is just a link to the google home page but the link text is very long, and probably boring, but in any case it should wrap to a second line. Just in case it doesn't, I've rambled on some more in the link text. This is a bad thing to do by the way, you really shouldn't write links that are this long, it's a little bit naughty! This is some more plain text on the same line as the link.
Here is a third line of text just for the fun of it. I separated the second and third lines with a BR line break. If you are still reading this, thank you, and I'm so sorry for having wasted so much of your time reading this inane document that really serves no useful purpose other than to test this issue of text wrapping.

  1. Here is an ordered list, with numbers and everything, but not the word moist, because apparently people don't like it. Oh. Bollocks. Ok, To make up for that, read the next point, you'll love it, I worked very hard to make it better!
  2. I looked up, the most loved words in the English language for you, and here they are, the top 32 (because that's a round number) according to some random site on the Internet: aquiver, mellifluous, ineffable, hiraeth, nefarious, somnambulist, epoch, sonorous, serendipity, limerence, bombinate, ethereal, illicit, petrichor, iridescent, epiphany, supine, luminescence, solitude, aurora, syzygny, phosphenes, oblivion, ephemeral, incandescence, denouement, vellichor, eloquence, defenestration, sonder, effervescence and finally, cromulent.